Friday, September 28, 2012

My experience with Glymm Box/Bag

I've been seeing a lot of posts around about the Glymm box or now bag. I just want to share my opinion with everyone about my experiences with them. I have been a subscriber to Glymm for about 4 months before doing the switch over to GlossyBox. I found that even though Glymm was cheaper than GlossyBox, I wasn't getting as good of products as I did from Glossy. 

Glymm has really obscure and unknown product brands that I have never heard of or will ever see in stores and a lot of samples were the bag ones and not a lot were deluxe or full sized. 

Even though they advertise that Glymm is 10 a month, they're not telling you that the HST is added on to the price when you purchase your bow. This really blew because HST as you all know is 13% so it brought my total to $11.30 a month for a mediocre box. Meanwhile, Glossy is $15.00 and this includes tax and shipping making it only $3.70 more than Glymm. (Sorry about all the math) So it seemed like Glossy was clearly the way to go. 

When  I tried to cancel Glymm, it took so much time that I had to pay for an extra box. Which I didn't want to do because that box sucked as per usual. Bottom line is that even though I give Glymm for trying I didn't really appreciate the extra money that I was spending on nothing. 

Disclaimer: This is not an advertisement for Glossybox. This is simply my review on Glymm and comparison to Glossybox and how I feel about it. Thanks for reading. 

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