Tuesday, October 16, 2012

An Ode to the Cosmetic Industry

So I found this poem type thing somewhere that I don't even remember and I just thought it would be fun to share it with who ever comes across my blog, which is like 0. I'm basically typing this for myself. COOL! LOL 


It’s often said that “Love is blind”;
If that were true, perhaps we’d find
We’d still be seen as beautiful, although we’re slightly older.
But research shows, a different truth—
That beauty’s seen in fertile youth—
So industries arise to fool the eye of the beholder.
It may seem cruel; it can’t be fair,
But flawless skin and shiny hair
Are hallmarks of attraction, so perhaps it’s no surprise
This aspect of biology
Gives rise to cosmetology—
A billion-dollar industry that’s based on telling lies

Monday, October 1, 2012

MIDTERM MADNESS and thinking about Nutella!

As october approaches, so do the midterms. You would think that because I'm an university student that my study habits are pretty great, well you certainly thought wrong. Because of university and all the things it has to offer, my study habits are WORSE! :O Oh my, there's wifi everywhere and lots more people to distract you. On top of all that, there's not one breathing down your back making sure that you're doing your work or studying. Boy, it's a rough life here. But the good thing about university is that there's lots to do and things to gain. Enjoy it! :)

I guess I'm just a bad student! :$

Here's a picture that I took in Belgium in a waffle cafe. They sold super big tubs of Nutella it was awesome. Even though I don't like a lot of chocolate and stuff like that, I still think that Nutella is delicious because of the hazel nutty flavour! Hehe, I'm weird I know! :P